Page and Wick started in 2023 as an idea between friends on Bookstagram. We loved candles and books, so we thought—why not create a book box with the best of both worlds? After months of research and planning, our idea became a reality.
At Page and Wick, we believe every special edition should be bookshelf-worthy, so we pick our artists based on the style and tone of their work to ensure that the story is brought to life in the best way, from foil line work to intricate landscapes.
We also know a great book can transport you to a different world; that’s why we work with publishers and independent authors and evaluate every book before adding them to our selection to ensure they truly resonate with that new-world feeling.
One of our goals when starting this subscription was to offer a platform for self-published authors to see their books come to life through our special editions. Some of our favourite books have been independently published, so we offer a mix of indie and traditionally published books in the hope our subscribers will find a new favourite, too!
Page and Wick was founded by best friends who love writing, reading, and digital art. Who then turned their shared obsession with stories into a book subscription box with a little more magic. Since we began in 2023, we have been slowly growing our team and what we can offer, bringing on new faces in customer service and social media and opening up our Wicked Pages shop for all our spicy, book-loving friends.
As a team, we believe that every book has the power to transport you to different worlds, inspire you, and keep you up all night in the best way. So, whether you’re a lifelong bookworm or just getting into reading, whether you like spicy romance or epic fantasy, we’re so happy we get to share our story with you.