Although we check all books are in perfect condition before they are shipped, we understand things happen during delivery. If you have received a damaged book, we apologise. Before contacting us, we ask that you review our damage guidelines below.

Please email [email protected] with a photo of your damaged book. Kindly note that each case will be reviewed on a case by case basis by one of the team.

These DO qualify as damaged

  • Water damaged.
  • Visible dents more than 20mm.
  • Crushed edge/corner more than 20mm.
  • More than 1 bent page and more than 20mm.
  • Hangnail more than 20mm.
  • Parts/pages missing.
  • Overspray which affects readability.
  • Cut.
  • Stained or discoloured.
  • Incorrectly folded dust jackets.
  • Very blurry stencil sprayed edges.
  • Stencil sprayed edges more than 3mm off centre.
  • Spine split in half.
  • Punctured.
  • Dirty or sticky residue which cannot be removed.
  • Torn (piece missing).

These do NOT qualify as damaged

  • Minor scuffing on the edge.
  • Light scratches.
  • Wavy pages.
  • Shelf wear – minor dulling and fading.
  • Minimal creasing on the Hardback Jacket – less than 20mm.
  • Overspray which does not affect readability.
  • White spots- small areas where colour/foiling has rubbed off.
  • Stencil sprayed edges that have a slight blur.
  • Stencil sprayed edges less than 3mm off centre.
  • Dust jackets that are slightly loose.
  • Crushed edge/corner less than 20mm.
  • Visible dents less than 20mm.
  • Less than 1 bent page and less than 20mm.
  • Hangnail less than 20mm.
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